
Choirul Mahfud Marsahid

"berbagi adalah ibadah. this web for sharing".

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Chinese-Indonesian Identities Conference in Semarang

From 14-16 November 2013 in Semarang, the Center for Chinese-Indonesian Studies (CCIS) at Petra Christian University in cooperation with Soegijapranata Catholic University Semarang and Centre for Chinese Diasporas Cultural Studies  (CCDCS ) ; Maranatha Christian University Bandung, held a conference on Chinese-Indonesians identities. This event is very interesting.

In the CCIS UK Petra's site informed why this conference was held is "during the New Order era (1966 – 1998), because of their ethnic origin, the Chinese were not perceived as native to Indonesia despite their presence in the country for such a long time. This perception gave this group of people a permanent status of “essential outsiders”  and a sign of “alienness” and “capital,”  due to their indispensable role in the economy of Indonesia during the colonial and post-colonial periods. Their dominance in the economy was used as the justification for the “native” Indonesians to monopolize political power. This situation instituted a mutual exploitation, in which the Chinese were expected to exchange wealth for political favors. The exploitation was intricately entangled in the social fabric of Indonesian society that it was difficult for both parties to get out of this situation. In this mutual exploitation, the Chinese suffered more than the natives, as proven by the anti-Chinese violence that took place in Indonesia and various discriminatory laws and practices that curtailed the civil and political rights of the Chinese. Given this fact, most studies on Chinese Indonesians usually focus on their precarious positions in Indonesian society." 

And this one different from after 1998 as "reformation".  As we know that "the celebration of diverse ethnicity and cultures" is opened by the state. So the issue is complex. In this context, the international conference on Chinese-Indonesian identities in Semarang discussed in several perspectives. 

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