
Choirul Mahfud Marsahid

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Thursday, June 28, 2012

New Book: Challenges in Islamic Education

In the 21 century, the Islamic education meets many challenges and opportunities. Now is best moment to do for understanding, mapping and managing it to solve for creating the best solutions. Publishing the book on “Challenges in Islamic Education: Market, Commercialization, Globalization, Multiculturalism and Poverty”, is try to show many pictures of the challenges globally and locally. Of course, we all not only need to debate the problems, but also need to continue practically. So, the important question is what, why and how should we do after reading this book is, maybe, a significant for facing the challenges and becoming better dreams of future. [ ] *** New Book: "Challenges in Islamic Education; Market, Commercialization, Globalization, Multiculturalism and Poverty". Cetakan pertama, Mei 2012 Surabaya: Taruna Media Pustaka viii + 252 hlm., 21 cm. x 14,7 cm ISBN : 978-602-97808-7-1 Editor: Choirul Mahfud, Fahrur Rozy, Ainur Rofi’ah, Septian Dwi Cahyo, Ita Rizki Amelia, Ruly Ernawati Publisher: Taruna Media Pustaka Surabaya Anggota IKAPI Printed By: CV. Indo Pramaha Jemurwonosari Gang Lebar 84-C Surabaya Copyright © 2012 Hak cipta dilindungi undang-undang @all right reserved

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